Meeting of the First Saturday of Month

The meeting that for decades Fr. Anthony had carried out steadily until the last one held on October 1, 2011 by Himself, only four days before leaving his body in Turin, revived in a new guise (on-line) after the positive experience of the past years made in Chiaraluce.
We will be able to listen to the Meditation written by the Father himself read by the priceless voice of the fraternal friend Gabriele Goria, read a passage from one of the Sacred Scriptures from the various Cosmic Religions and Philosophies, "to con-verse" in order to put the individual visions in communion on the subject exposed, meditate for a period in silence and conclude with the prayers of the Our Father.
A telephone, WhatApp or email confirmation of participation is welcome.


First Saturday of Month, 2024
3.30 pm - Opening of the meeting and welcome greetings, presentation of the participants (name and place)
3.45 pm - Universal prayers recited by Fr. Anthony (video)
4.00 pm - Reading a selected passage
4.10 pm - Meditation
4.30 pm - Conversation - SatSang
5.30 pm - Conclusion

Recordings of past meetings:
Saturday 6th January 2024 at 3.30pm
Saturday 2nd March 2024 at 3.30pm
Saturday 6th April 2024 at 3.30pm
Saturday 4th May 2024 at 3.30pm
Saturday 1st June 2024 at 3.30pm

... and the 1st Saturday following in 2024
6th July
3rd August
7th September
5th October
2nd November
7th December

Progetto Ecumenismo Cosmico Ora

• Gabriella Simonfay
• Giuseppe De Vita
• Alberto Severi