Verso l'Uno
Fiorina Tullio, since she was a child she asks herself many questions: where do I come from? why was I born into this world? where will i go after i die? where is God?
At the age of 29 she meets her first Master: Father Anthony Elenjimittam, a disciple of Gandhi, who initiates her into transcendental meditation ...
"God is One, religion is one, Truth is one, faith is one, we are one with the indweller within. The voice of the Atman will be faint at times, but the your discernment will never fail to tell you whether, in that case, you go to God or turn away from him. "
Faith should never be blind. Believing without understanding takes us further and further away from ourselves and leads us along a dark road, where every reason becomes a wall too high to overcome, which oppresses without ever leaving room for light.
Eastern and Western religions smile at each other and, in agreement, invite us to look within ourselves, to question ourselves, to lead life along a path of continuous research. The words of the great Masters never educate to defeat, to passive acceptance, but always to curiosity, because the answers we are looking for cannot be found by contemplating only an icon. We must go beyond these appearances, learn to look beyond the physical object and our own body, to embrace the One, as the author of this autobiographical novel tells us, who made her life an example of commitment and passion.

ed. October 2021
LuoghInteriori srl
dim. 13,5 x 19 cm.
p. 234
ISBN 978-88-6864-302-7
Cover price: € 18,00
