I Salmi
di un marinaio solitario
In the book are collected some of the psalms, hymns and songs, which sprang spontaneously from the author's heart and pen, written mostly in Calcutta in the years 1947 and 1948. The author writes in his note to the reader:
"I did not worry about rhymes, melodies or syntax, in some cases, but I gave spontaneous expression to some creative thoughts, emotions and experiences that took me in those turbulent years, when I was all fire for the regeneration of Mother India, in the dream of giving full freedom to Indian youth not only from the yoke of British imperialism, but even more from the tyranny of human passions and slavery to any form of regime and authoritarian religion ...
Then my only religion was that of mental Illumination, of human development, of the channeling of passions, of emotions and of the intellect at the service of the best good of man, avoiding the bait of the communist economy and the capitalist plutocracy by a side, and of the authoritarian religions on the other, along with the inconsistent anarchist libertarianism ...
I hope and pray that these Psalms will benefit to souls of love wherever they may be, and seek deeply the Light and the Love which are the great beacon for man in these days of earthly pilgrimage."
